Installing Adobe FMS on TFM/GNU Linux

First install TFM/GNU 32 Linux. You can download it from here. Be sure to check Quick Download on main web page to see if a newer release is available.

After you installed it you will need to download and install  the following 2 aditional rpm’s : nspr-4.6.7-1tfm.i686.rpm and nss-3.11.7-1tfm.i686.rpm .

cd /tmp
mkdir 1 ; cd 1
rpm -Uvh *.rpm

Then download Adobe FMS and modified install from here:

cd /tmp
mkdir 2 ; cd 2
tar xf FlashMediaServer3.tar.gz
cd FMS_3_0_1_r123
rm -f installFMS
chmod +x installFMS

The installation of adobe FMs is beyond this article scope so i will skip it. After you installed FMS if you need it to autostart on boot you have to edit /etc/rc.d/rc.multi and add to the end of file the following line

cd /opt/adobe/fms ;./server start ; ./adminserver start

That’s all folks. You have Adobe FMS running on TFM/GNU 32 Linux server.

From our tests one FMS can server on one live stream more than 1400 simultaneous users. If you like it or you find it usefull or even better use it , let us know. Feedback is important.

MyTcpProxy version 0.2

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of MyTcpProxy version 0.2. This is our solution for load balancing and failover at the TCP protocol. MyTcpProxy can operate as a load balancer for any service that uses TCP, including MySQL. Unlike other solutions balacing load and failover, such as haproxy, MyTcpProxy persistence allow TCP connections at the session, which we recommend, along with failover functionality as a load balancer of trust for MySQL.

To be able to download visit this link.

Sample usage:

Let’s assume that your proxy server has ip and you have 3 mysql servers with ip’s,,

  • On each mysql server give access to the proxy ip to the databases:

GRANT ALL ON yourdb.* TO my_cluster@ IDENTIFIED BY ‘your_pass’;

  • Start the proxy with the command:

/usr/bin/myproxy –server –server –server

  • Connect mysql to to port 33060

mysql -h -P 33060 -u my_cluster -p

  • Run your queries and enjoy.

TFM/GNU linux server 3.2 ( iulie 2008) released

O noua versiune de TFM/GNU linux server 3.2 este disponibila. Aceasta versiune contine multe imbunatatiri in special pe partea de storage, web si high availability.

apache webserver a fost updatat la versiunea 2.2.9 , kernelul este Au fost adaugate : lvm2 , mnogosearch si altele

A fost adaugat suportul pentru ocfs, iscsi si gfs. In momentul de fata realizarea unui shared storage redundant a devenit posibila folosind strict componentele din TFM server. Documentatia si exemplele de realizare vor fi publicate pe site in curind.

Viteza sistemului de instalare a fost radical imbunatatita prin trecerea la un nou sistem de initrd de instalare. Algoritmul de compresie din rpm a fost schimbat cu un algoritm mult mai performant.

Aceasta versiune este considerata 3.3 RC. Practic 3.3 va fi aceasta versiune cosmetizata ( avem in vedere cosmetizarea structurii din /etc/rc.d/services si eventualelor probleme cu aceasta imagine )

Pentru a downloada aceasta versiune puteti intra aici. Pentru a fi siguri de integritatea imaginii pe care o downloadati puteti verifica suma de control comparand-o cu aceasta.

Capacity data storage system 60Tb AoE version

It is given the next problem. Implement astorage system  which can allow 60Tb  data, which can be extensible,  fit in a rack and to be fault tolerant?

The solution consists of a series of blocks connected to each other. So:

  • One block consist in :
  1. Switch Gigabit (1U )
  2. Enclosure AOE ( 15 HDD SATA 1TB each ) (3U)
  3. Controler (1U)
  • 1 Rack 0f 48U which will consist of 5 blockuri + UPS

Hardware costs:

6 * Switch Gbic 24 porturi (480$) = 2880$
5 * Enclosure AOE (4000$) = 20000$
5 * Controller (1000$) = 5000$
75 * Harddisk SATA 1 Tb (400$) = 30000$

TOTAL 57880$

Software solution:

Each controller takes care of one enclosure AOE. Each enclosure will have hard drives in RAID 5. Thus on each enclosure it is obtain a capacity of 14 TB of data. Set of blocks can be arranged in RAID  (stripping) to obtain a total capacity of 70Tb. But any failure of controller compromises the entire system. (Single point of failure). Each controller is exporting the file system using vlbade and ‘controller of controllers’ performs RAID 5 level blocks.

For full redundancy blocks are organized in RAID 5 capacity (56 TB)

That means a cost of $ 1,000 / Tb redundant.

Note 1: Calculation was done in March 2007. Meanwhile the prices of harddisks 1TB has fallen.

Note 2: We have not included all the costs of implementation. And how the implementation is done, makes the difference between a successful solution or a bad one.


date tips and tricks

Exemple utile de utilizare a comenzii date

  • Aflarea datei din urma cu 5 ani:

date –date=”5 years ago”

  • alfarea datei din urma cu 5 ani dar in secunde

date –date=”5 years ago” +%s

  • aflarea datei care va fi peste 5 ani , 6 luni si 7 zile in formatul clasic “YY-MM-DD”

date –date=”+5 years +6 months +7 days” +%y-%m-%d

Daca doriti sa lansati un proces peste o ora si 10 minute acest lucru se poate face simplu:

at -t $(date –date”+1 hours +10 minutes” +%Y%m%d%H%M.%S)

Comanda date este foarte flexibila . Urmatoarele exemple dovedesc asta:

date –date=”yesterday”

date –“tomorrow”

date –date “last thursday”

date –date “+4 weeks yesterday”

A new version of TFM Linux Server

Following the interest shown lately for the server version of Linux TFM, we have prepared a new version for all those interested. Already in the same generation with the variant Workstation (3.2), the new version TFM Linux Server is a version of “lightweight” of the TFM Linux Workstation, with only the server components. The space required for installation is 1GB and the whole image fits on a CD.

To download you can enter here. To be sure of the integrity of the image you download can verify the checksum comparing it with this.

Discussion lists Server si Workstation

The following discussion lists have been created:

TFM Server Development Discussion List

List TFM Linux dedicated server. If you have ideas for improvement or want to solve a problem …
To subscribe to the list send an email to
TFM Workstation Development Discussion List
Discussion list dedicated TFM workstation. If you have ideas for improvement or if you want to solve a problem …
To subscribe to the list send an email to:

Conferinta ROSDEV 2008

Pe 12 Aprilie 2008 a fost fost a doua editie a conferintei ROSDEV. Cei care nu au putut ajunge la conferinta si nu au urmarit transmisia live pe internet a conferintei au totusi posibilitatea de a urmari inregistrarea prezentarilor.

Continue reading

TFM Workstation new DVD image (27.03.2008)

Un nou release TFM Workstation este disponibil pentru download. In aceasta versiune s-a lucrat mult la partea de multimedia. Editarea de sunet, imagine si film au suferit cele mai multe schimbari. Astfel am inclus in distributie:

  • audacity – Free Audio Editor / Recorder
  • LiVES – Free, Open Source video editor and a VJ tool
  • avidemux – free video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks. Recomended when working with x264 files.
  • gpac – Open Source multimedia framework for research and academic purposes in different aspects of multimedia, with a focus on presentation technologies (graphics, animation and interactivity)
  • sox , xvidcore , mkvtoolnix , libmatroska , libebml , openal
  • ffmpeg, vlc, x264, mplayer au fost updatate la ultimele versiuni svn / git

Am mai inclus in distributie si yasm , cairomm , wxWidgets (GTK) si tnef.

Suportul pentru bluetooth a fost imbunatatit, inkscape a fost updatat (versiunea aceasta stie sa lucreze direct si cu PDF-uri).
Pe parte de securitate s-a updatat suportul pentru firewall (iptables) astfel incit sa reflecte schimbarile ( majore ) din kernel.
Alte aplicatii updatate sint: gimp , firefox si digikam .

ISO-ul il puteti descarca de aici:
Imaginea are aproximativ 3GB si o puteti scrie pe un DVD.